Our Youth services are designed to prepare the next generation of our workforce.  Partnered with Centro CHA, United Cambodian Community (UCC), KRA, and the Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD), our staff is dedicated to providing youth with the opportunities to secure employment, prepare for the workforce, and explore future career options.

Whether you’re looking for work, interested in an internship, or trying to achieve the right skills to prepare you for your next job, you can start here at Future LB.

Future LB staff and resources will help you develop the skills, get the experience, and make the connections you’ll need to get hired.

Check out:

  • Information on employment opportunities and assistance preparing for job interviews
  • Work experience/internship
  • Access to computers with internet connection, photocopiers, telephones, and fax machines to help you secure a job
  • Workshops (including work readiness training)
  • Information about training, volunteer opportunities, and community resources
  • Academic/career advisement and tutoring

Future LB
508 W Willow St,
Long Beach, CA 90806

(562) 570 – 4700


Monday – Thursday:
11am – 6pm
11am – 5pm


The Urban Planning & Design Internship Program

The Long Beach Urban Design and Internship Program is an eight-month internship course featuring a series of curated activities and projects, workshops and seminars, guest speakers and networking opportunities. The program will provide a hands-on and practical learning experience, foster meaningful engagement and mentorships with professionals and help prepare participants for successful careers in urban planning and civic engagement.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND APPLY



Earn an average of 160 hours of paid work experience that will help to build upon your resume and serve as a career pathway.

Youth@Work helps prepare you for the workplace. The service is specialized to help you find and hone new and desired skills. Youth@Work is partnered with Centro CHA, United Cambodian Community (UCC), KRA, and the Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) to give you the best possible opportunities.

How To Sign Up

Signing up is easy.  Come visit Future LB to learn about how to get started, and review a list of companies currently hiring.  In order to be eligible, you must:

  • Be 14-24 years of age
  • Live in Long Beach, Signal Hill, or the Los Angeles Harbor Communities
  • Submit an Online Program Interest form
  • Have a willingness to work and learn

Come in to Future LB Monday through Friday.  Our friendly staff will be available for your questions.

Click here to fill out the Youth@Work Program Interest Form

Job vs. Internship

There are a lot of differences between an internship and a job.  Typically, an internship lasts only weeks or months, and is focused on completing a specific project or gaining particular skills.  A job, on the other hand, is year round, and is paid.  There are other things you will want to consider in deciding what is best for you.  Visit the Job and Internship Questions Page to get a better understanding of the differences between these two.